Saturday, 30 March 2013



Here are a few more photographs from Berlin. The first two are from a Mercedes showroom in central Berlin and the others are military vehicles at the Seelow Heights Museum. I grouped these photographs from the trip together to show how one thing, like vehicles, can be utilized for different end results. Take the Mercedes for example, it was a sports model designed for leisure and to put a smile on the owner's face. Whereas the military vehicles can be seen to do quite the opposite. Tanks, punching through the enemies line, taking lives and destroying whatever may stand in its path. Unfortunately, like many innovations and inventions in the world, some will be used for good measures and others not so much. War between nations seems to have been a great motivator for science and technological developments. Take the Cold War for example, America endorsed so much money into bathymetry to help locate Russian sub-marines. It is only because of this we understand sea floor spreading and oceanic plate faults to the extent we do. It's a shame it  sometimes takes conflict to get us there, but, hey-ho! That's enough with me being deep and philosophical.

Hope you liked the photographs!


Friday, 29 March 2013

Sunset Rising

Sunset Rising

For the past week, I have been in Berlin with LUOTC. The majority of our time in Berlin was spent looking at the eastern front from World War 2. These photographs were taken at sunset from the Reichstag building. The first image is a particular favourite of mine from the day, I like the effect of the silhouetted architecture. More photographs are to follow over the next few days once I have sat through them all, hopefully, there should be a collection of quality ones.


From Left: Maria, Lewis (me) and Jon.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Coincidental London

Connor thought it was funny that he had caught my bad side, I think this is sufficient revenge!
Came across this in Soho, definitely learn something new everyday!

Couldn't resist a snap of the red telephone boxes!

Coincidental London

As mentioned in my previous post, me and a couple of members from the Photography Society explored London for the day to see what shots we could get. I was most pleased with my results from the London Eye (previous post) but here are a couple more of my favourite shots. 

Tomorrow I set off for Berlin with LUOTC which is going to be pretty awesome. I am the designated photographer for the trip, and as seen as I have never been before you know I am bound to take lots of photographs (two birds, one stone and all that!).

From my experience on Thursday, London seems to be never ending with photographic opportunities. There is so much to offer in terms of architecture, heritage and general culture.

During the day I only used a 50mm Nikkor Lens, but recently I have been looking at acquiring some new lenses. I’d quite like to start getting into a bit of wildlife photography, and a telephoto lens would definitely come in handy for some candid portraits of people to!

Anyways, I best start packing for Berlin! This Easter has been crazy for travelling so far!


Wednesday, 20 March 2013

London Eye

London Eye

Today me and a couple of members from the Photography Society (University of Hull) went into London to take some photographs. Here are just a couple of photographs of the London Eye I wanted to share quickly as I really liked them (hope you do too!). 

Connor from our society is some-what of a local to London, so he was our tour guide for the day, a big thank-you to him! 

More photographs from today will follow shortly but as I said, I just wanted to get these photographs up quickly. In its entire structure the London Eye is 135 metres tall and has a diameter of around 120 metres. It is regarded as the largest Ferris wheel in all of Europe along with 'The Shard' being the tallest building in the European Union (woop, go England!). 


Sunday, 17 March 2013

Almería Field Trip

Almería, Spain - Geography Field Trip

Last week I went on a field trip to Almería with my University. These are just a few of the photographs I took whilst there. Usually the best thing about going to places like this is the photographic opportunities. However, it was a great time to get to know people on my course a little better! A big thank-you to them for making the week so fun. 

Anyways, back to the the photography. Almería has a huge range of landscapes, with it's most famous being its Badlands. A number of films have been shot in the Badlands, including Indiana Jones - The Last Crusade (one of my all time favourites!). The area also offers photo opportunities in cave systems, urban architecture as well as Spanish culture. 

Our field work for the trip included water quality, sedimentary logging, topographic transecting and much more (like drinking!). We had an excellent guide for the trip, a local who spoke brilliant English and knew the area excellently. You can find  his contact info on his facebook page; linked in here. 

During the last field day we stumbled across this little guy; A Wolf Spider.

On the last day, we also bumped into something a little less frightening than a Wolf Spider.


The group decided to call him Kevin! The little guy followed us everywhere, even when we were leaving on the bus, the little guy almost got ran over! 

Anyway, to wrap up this long post, I had a pretty awesome week and have major Almería blues. The area is great for getting a range in different types of photographs, whether it be architecture, landscapes or Spanish Culture. Thank you to all the staff that ran the trip and to Jésus and my class mates.


I thought this photograph was like Spain's version of the traditional Windows XP background!