Sunday, 24 February 2013

Liverpool Photo Hunt

Liverpool Photo Hunt

What a weekend! Saturday morning I left for Liverpool with a few members from the University of Hull's Photography Society (Beka, Connor and Christina). We were all pretty psyched for the trip, especially as the university union were covering a lot of the costs! 

The photo hunt in Liverpool was called the NorthHunt, and rightly so. The event is organised by the National University Photography Society (NUPS). They usually put the event on once a year in London, but they decided they would run two this year, which worked well for us Northerners! 

The hunt involved splitting into groups and going around the city and photographing certain themes. On top of this, participants had to find certain objects and infrastructures to shoot. The event is ran like a competition and points are awarded for completing each theme/FIND based on certain criteria (Imagination/technically good, etc). 

After the NorthHunt had finished, we rendezvoused at the social location, 'Camp & Furnace', it was a pretty unique place. It was a converted warehouse made into a bar; best of all, after spending hours in the cold, it had an open fire! kind of wish there was a similar place in Hull!

After an hour or so at the social event, we decided to go drop our cameras off at the hotel so we could head into Liverpool and start drinking. Liverpool has a pretty good night life and, I think I speak for all of us when I say we had an awesome night! 

Thanks for reading,


Credit: Connor Pritchett


Saturday, 9 February 2013

Street Life Museum

Street Life Museum

Today, I popped down to the Street Life Museum in Hull to take a few portraits. The museum is laid out like a 60's street with shop displays and vehicles.  The perfect place for a vintage shoot. The museum is free, so if you are ever in the area take a swing by.

I used my Nikon D80 (old faithful!) for these photographs with my Nikkor 50mm Lens. The lighting conditions were not great, so I had to push my ISO up to 800. However, I think this only adds to the creation of an atmosphere suited for a 60's shoot.

Yesterday, I spent the evening taking photographs at my friend's 21st birthday party. Note to self invest in a bigger flash, and a diffuser which doesn't resemble a shower-cap so much. It made a nice change to be earning money at a party, rather than blowing it on alcohol!  

I hope you liked the photographs, and don't forget to follow me on twitter @LewisAlanJones.

Thanks for reading,
