Saturday, 9 February 2013

Street Life Museum

Street Life Museum

Today, I popped down to the Street Life Museum in Hull to take a few portraits. The museum is laid out like a 60's street with shop displays and vehicles.  The perfect place for a vintage shoot. The museum is free, so if you are ever in the area take a swing by.

I used my Nikon D80 (old faithful!) for these photographs with my Nikkor 50mm Lens. The lighting conditions were not great, so I had to push my ISO up to 800. However, I think this only adds to the creation of an atmosphere suited for a 60's shoot.

Yesterday, I spent the evening taking photographs at my friend's 21st birthday party. Note to self invest in a bigger flash, and a diffuser which doesn't resemble a shower-cap so much. It made a nice change to be earning money at a party, rather than blowing it on alcohol!  

I hope you liked the photographs, and don't forget to follow me on twitter @LewisAlanJones.

Thanks for reading,
